

What is Lathe ? 车床?

What is Lathe?Last time I told my friend my dad is working on lathe, but most of them thought is something to do with car engine or don't even know what is it.

Even myself I have only a sketchy knowledge on it.

Lathe is a machine tool rotate a workpiece to carry on turning process. This machine can be used for cutting , sanding , drilling. 

This is a driller, which is use to drill a hole on metal. Last time, my bro almost lost his finger while drilling a metal plate. 

There are a lot of tools needed for lathe work. Hammer, spanner, cutter ,screwdriver ,pliers and wrench are basic hand tools.

This is the machine done by lathe. This machine are use for the purpose of squeeze coconut milk from coconut.

However, this machine is used to produce coconut shreds from coconut.

Besides that, there are some simple work can be done with hand tools. 
What my sis did are cover the rubber sheet with copperplate. This is not simple work, it request patience and effort. Almost one hour is needed to complete one of this.


  1. Thanks for sharing...
    I have never see it before.

    White and Yellow

    1. You're welcome...I hope more people know it.


妈妈 加油

原来很久没写blog了。 2021年 1月头被诊断出有急性血癌 我们全家都很难接受 尤其是我爸爸(再加上MCO 做什么都不方便) 虽然妈妈嘴上说不能接受这个结果  可是幸好她积极接受治疗 (好棒棒的) 化疗阶段期间和完成后 她还需要输血和血小板 人还是蛮精神的 今天早上突然医院打...